Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tee Shirt Hack

If you are like me, you have a few things in your closet that you don't like enough to wear and you don't hate enough to give away.  I have a few tee shirts that I love the color or the print or something about them, but they are too short. I think you will agree that the sagging levi's and the cropping up top are not a good look.
I simply paired the Dr Who tee with a shapeless navy tee I picked up at WalMart for $4.97. Why would I ever purchase something so awful? Was I having an identity crisis?
The blue tee fabric I cut off the bottom became the perfect trim for the pink one. Adding a little length to the sleeve wasn't necessary but I think it balances out the stripe at the bottom. It would be nice to add a little touch of blue at the neckline too, but I am not going to go crazy for one tee shirt. Honestly, I have a dresser drawer full of paired up tee shirts to do this. Next time I will post more how-to details in case you need that visual. The hem of the finished shirt is the original hem from the blue which is sewn underneath at the original pink hemline, secured by top-stitching over the original pink stitches. The arm trim is some 3" strips of the navy shirt fabric sewn into the right size loop to match the sleeve, then folded in half. The hem is the fold and the raw edges are stitched to the original pink hem on the inside of the shirt. If you like upcycling and want to see more ideas, check out this blog put together by Goodwill.