Sunday, May 15, 2011

sketchbook 1

sketchbook 1
Originally uploaded by studiocherie
For Mothers Day, Gabrielle gave me a fancy new journal with rough (watercolor I think) paper and a beautiful fabric cover. I took this weekend off from sewing and I thought I would do something I have not done in a few years. I curled up on my favorite couch with my new journal and a mechanical pencil. My daughter and I sit down frequently and draw things we imagine, but she has never seen me draw what I physically see. The sun was setting, and as we sat in the unlit room, we talked about how we see. Also what it is to actually see and how much easier it is to make something up than to see a thing as it really is. She talked me into giving her my back up sewing journal so she could join me in drawing. It was a good exercise for me. Good times for both of us. I should find something better than a mechanical pencil for future entries.

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