14 months ago, I
posted this dream of mine. To re-do some of my own furniture in the beautiful bright fabrics that come out of Rowan and Westminster fabrics - like Amy Butler. Rory laughed back then. Now he agrees that it's a good idea. My kitchen is about to get a makeover! The photo above shows the one yard wonder kitchen chair cover - which is my submission for the upcoming one-yard wonders 2 book. I will be doing a demo and hands-on
workshop at Buttercuppity on April 7th.
Now I just have to pause the duffle factory long enough to recover 6 of our big parsons chairs. I bought 9 yards of fabric at Buttercuppity the other day for them. Here is a photo of what I am calling the duffle factory. Some new fabrics in the works that will be ready to ship duffles unless someone buys them before they are ready.
If that happens, my ready to ship dream will remain a dream for a while longer.
What a gorgeous chair! The fabric is fabulous. I bet it will make some beautiful bags too.
I love the fabric you used on that chair. THe color and design are so fresh. Are you going to post pictures of your kitchen makeover...before and after?
What a lovely chair cover you made!!!
Do you know about http://ikeahacker.blogspot.com/?
As far as I can see, you used an Ikea chair... IkeaHacker loves Ikea hacks...
I just dreamed up (in the shower) a new window covering too, so maybe I will do before and after. Thanks for the prompting, Rose.
I think I did add it to the IKEA hackers photostream on Flickr - Thanks
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