Monday, October 1, 2012

Been a long time

Duffle Line up with me
Originally uploaded by studiocherie
There are big things in the works here. It's not that I don't have anything to say. I have been working from 9AM to 10PM most days. I do break for yoga and the occasional walk in the woods. Here is the short list of what is happening:
* new patterns being worked on (as always) Backpacks are still next.
* I've made 3 or 4 things that were not on the list of patterns to produce, but now they are. Maybe I should call that off-road sewing. Fun, small projects.
* I have an intern! Yay. She deserves her own blog post.
* I have a fabulous local graphic designer working up new pattern covers for me. I am reformatting my patterns into a fun, booklet format and packaging them for quilt shops. The luggage tags pattern is done and Sew EZ Too in Spokane will be carrying them this week. This is a big project and I am really excited about reaching a new audience in the quilt shops. I have been selling wholesale patterns in my Etsy store for a couple of years, but these are upgraded versions.
* To go along with the above, I am applying to Quilt Market for the Spring show in Portland.
* I am getting ready to package notions to go along with my patterns. Usually my zippers are custom sizes and colors. I am going to start selling those. I have another line of notions that I won't tell about until they launch, but I am excited about it.
* In the Spring, you will see my iPad case pattern and the Kindle Fire and Nexus Patterns, all 3 together bundled in the Simplicity catalog.
* My next 2 patterns for Simplicity will be furniture patterns!
* And a couple other things I am not ready to share.
I will try to be better at keeping in touch here. I do appreciate you being here.

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