Some of you who know me know that I have been bannerless for a long time. One of Etsy's first big sellers, Littleputbooks, advised me quite a while ago that banners were a waste of precious space. Just get to the items and let people shop. Etsy has made a lot of changes since then. When I found this new instant banner and email signature site, and tried it out - and liked it, I checked over at LittlePut, and noticed she has a banner now. That was all I needed. If you want an instant banner like mine, do this first: renew the 4 items you want to appear in the banner, wait for about an hour, then go to and use the banner maker. The colors of your items will affect the background color of your banner. If you don't like the first try, experiment with different items until you get one that you like. The site is generating PNG files that you can save and use - that is how I have more than one below to show you.
Another cool feature on the site is a generator for an HTML signature you can use on your email that will be a photo and a link to your shop. The photo will always be the last item you renewed or listed. I think it is a nice way to dress up your email.
You just copy and paste the code as your email signature.
Here is where to go to get your code.
Cool beans. I like banners, but I'm also very visual so maybe it means something more to me than others. Never the less, I understand what LittlePutBooks was saying.
That email signature is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
Branding is on my list of to do's, so thanks so much for sharing this! I'll definitely try it and see if I come up with something that I like.
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