Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sales and Marketing

It's been a while since I posted any tips for Etsy sellers, so I wanted to take a moment to pass this one on. With ConstantContact, you can have a 30 day free trial membership and up to 100 people on an emailing list. They are a great company to work with and their templates make putting together a professional newsletter easy. Before you run off and do that, let me tell you what I am doing. Right now all of my creative energy is going into the expansion of my line. What good is it to reach a 100 or a 1,000 people on my email list if they already have the 4 or 5 PDF patterns I offer? What do I have that would be of ongoing value to the women who have already bought my bags or baby accessories? These are questions I need to address before I activate my email newsletter.
Here is a great article in the Storque about expanding your line.
I think it's a god idea to subscribe to constant contact's newsletter even if you are not ready to launch an email campaign. This way you can learn about marketing from the pro's and get your ducks in a row. Here is an article from them about how to think about making offers like buy one, get one. Now for some pretty stuff I found on sale at Etsy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great selection from ETSY:)