Does this guy make you smile back? He makes me smile, every morning. My 10 year old is the star of my current
treasury on Etsy. (That link will only be good for a couple of days from the date of this post.) Here is the customer service story. I was shopping for some face paint to help out with the school carnival. I bought this
mineral powder from
PinkQuartzMinerals. Thanks to our dyslexic mailman, my neighbor received the package and promptly forgot about it. After canvassing the neighborhood while the airhead neighbor was not at home, I contacted Doree at PinkQuartz who sent me a replacement which coincidentally arrived on the same day as the neighbor cleaned off her kitchen counter. Now I had 2 cool sets of mineral makeup. I gave one to my friend who happened to be in the living room with me chatting up a storm at the very moment of this harmonic convergence of minerals, neighbors and postal incompetence. When I offered to pay for the extra, Doree refused, so I sent her some photos of my sons in their pirate faces to use in her shop. (My older son is now too cool for all of this - but
his photos are amazing!) The carnival just happened the other night and I have been so consumed with work that I never did volunteer to paint faces. As it happens, one of my son's classmates has a dental hygienist mom who also happens to be the reincarnation of
Matisse. I stood in awe as she turned a first grade boy into a
webkinz dog, and thought how silly of me to ever think kids would line up for
me to paint them. There was a line up around the building waiting for her facial masterpieces. I probably would have been roaming the place in pirate garb, accosting everyone with the offer of an extra eye or two. Aarg! Doesn't anybody want an eye?!!
I have always gotten THE best customer service from Doreen at Pink Quartz minerals. LOVE her products. The pics of your boy child turned out FANTASTIC!
Your pirate sons and their multiple eyes are very cool! I've added PQM to my favorites.
Cherie, great, fun treasury. Especially like the pic of your son. They love that stuff don't they!
Thanks for cheering me up. The thought of you as a pirate asking people if they want an eye cracked me up. I'd let you paint my face. :)
Arrg, maybe someday I will!
Very cool. I almost thought I was cross eyed as I looked at your son with the 6 eyes...I had to refocus!
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