Thursday, May 14, 2009

Martha Shakes Her Head and Says Tsk Tsk

My mama gave me a great calorie saving tip from a Weight Watcher's friend of hers. Instead of the oil, water, and eggs in a cake mix, use 12 ounces of soda - club soda or soda pop, and bake as usual. It makes the cake very moist and a little sticky, but it tastes great. I had a dream the other night that Martha Stewart was in my house and she was looking through the pantry. I wondered, what can I show her that she'll want to put on her show? She interrupted my thought by asking, why do you have cake mixes? You know there are recipes for cake. I answered, because sometimes I am in a hurry. She said, why would you ever be in a hurry for cake? When I told Rory the dream, he asked why do you use cake mixes? I think it runs in my blood. When my mom was growing up, her mom worked at the flour mill and brought home cake mixes for the family to test. CakeMix=Mama. Now CakeMix+Soda=LighterMama. But maybe that disqualifies me from The Martha Stewart Show. Oh, well, I love my mama more than Martha.


Splendid Little Stars said...

hee hee...very funny story/dream! What a fabulous tip!

Unknown said...

I use cake mixes too, but substitute veggies n fruits for the oil & water. Shred up carrots, zucchini, squash, celery, strawberries, apples, nanners, grapes....some or all of the above. You don't taste the veggies, but you can get in an extra serving & feel less guilty about eating cake. The combination of the fruits & veggies make for a very moist cake & not so sticky. My 4 & 6 year olds LOVE it!

Valerie Boersma said...

What a sweet little post! I have substituted apple sauce for the oil before and that works pretty well. Now if there was just a way to make healthy frosting!

Randi said...

Cake from scratch isn't all it's cracked up to be- yes it's delicious, but time consuming. And when you are trying to impress your MIL by making a German Chocolate cake from her Grandmother's recipe and you drop the first one after burning yourself on the hot pan, and can't get the second one out of the pan and return to the store for the 3rd time that day in tears.... it is expensive too! (Not that this has ever happened to me, just saying.)
Like Valerie, I too use plain old applesauce in my cakes rather than oil and they come out wonderfully soft. I don't care for frosting from a can if I have time to make my own though, so a package of cream cheese, a bit of butter, vanilla, and powdered sugar and I have the yummiest cream cheese frosting!

glenna said...

Oh my gosh. I thought all cakes came from a box of cake mix! They don't???

Bianca said...

that is a really interesting tip! I can't wait to try it out! Thanks!!! As you'll see here -

I do a lot of baking!

always sunny said...

we do the soda thing too. we got the idea from a guy at work who is diabetic. it's great! everyone should try it. rock on lighter mamma!

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

LOL funny dream! I'm a cake mix girl too...sorry Martha!