Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Art Licensing: Another Kind of Interview Part 2

I am not a journalist. Journalists take better notes. I will tell you I had a wonderful conversation with Cori Dantini, the brilliant self-taught and just plain talented artist known as CoriD on Etsy. Cori was approached at an art fair by a licensing agent. She currently has a number of products in various stages of launch and unlike me, she is not in a position to go blabbing about them. Suffice it to say that in a couple of years, CoriD will be a household word. Another way to say this is: collect her originals now!

Since I can't find my meager notes, Cori may have to come along and correct some of this. This is from my memory of a phone chat we had around the first of September. The first way Cori licensed was with greeting card companies. She said that what they lacked in percentage offered, they made up for in volume. Cori is glad to have an agent, even though the fees are a factor. Cori would rather free up her time to create art rather than manage a multitude of product relationships. I think it really makes sense to focus on your strengths if you can and leave the rest to experts in their field. Again, what she is giving up in percentage, she can gain back in efficiency. Art fairs are hit and miss. She sells a lot at some and others bomb. There is an art to choosing art fairs. Maybe we need agents to handle that too? There is so much more that we talked about, and I will look forward to sharing more, from better notes, when Cori can share some of the specifics. Meanwhile congratulations, Cori.
For any artists out there wanting to educate yourselves on licensing, here is a super blog to plug into by Alyson Stanfield. Another resource for you is Tara Reeds site, artlicensinginfo.com. Here is more from Cori. All so charming! I am guessing you can find yourself among Coris thoughtful portraits. I do.

1 comment:

~cori said...

i think you have an amazing memory cherie! thank you for the interview... and i wish i could have been of more help.

here is one thing i have learned in the last week.