My sewing journal. The interesting thing about documenting my process chronologically is that I will be able to go back a year from now and see how and why I interrupted myself. I will be able to evaluate whether this is a good way to move forward. My instinct is that it is good because my furniture work informs my bag work and clothing requires other details and attention that affect the furniture and bags. The gym bag I was hoping to put out in February got interrupted by mitts, a kindle cover, several skirts, a dress, a shrug, a new photography set up, and about a dozen sketches I have not had time to sew up. The positive side of that is that I have been able to use my gym bag prototype for several weeks and have been working up changes to the final design based on how it works. Rather than charging through the design process one project at a time, things are allowed to simmer and take on a life of their own. Somehow this works for me. So when I get back to my journal in the morning to pick up on the gym bag, I will have to page back to find where I left off. I might need to number my pages... My next page could say gym bag continued from page...
Hi Cherie
I am so with you on this - I seem to have notes all over the place - spend most of my time searching thru different notebooks and files. So from tomorrow, one Journal. We should check back in a year to see how it works out. I love reading your blog and seeing what you have been up to.
Thanks Sandy!
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