Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Favorite Earrings
More Christmas gifts I bought on Etsy. Some green earrings (similar to these red ones) from Beadstylin went to my sister who loves them. These are even more gorgeous in person than they are in Jeannie's excellent photos. Her shipping was lightning fast too. While I was there, I bought a black pair for myself, my new faves. The pink ones from NicholasandFelice are dainty and perfect for my daughter. They came in a gift box with ribbon, which I really appreciate too. When I ordered, I asked them to remove a couple of the links so they would be shorter for my 8 year old, which they did with no problem. I love Etsy for the personalized service you can get by buying directly from the artists. I also purchased a hammered wire ornament from them (that will be a later post.) The quality was such that I can confidently recommend these silver and pearl earrings.
How I spent yesterday afternoon

Monday, December 28, 2009
New favorite Tees

Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Shop Online Local Spokane
Thought you might like to snatch up some of these lovelies to round out your Christmas shopping. I just did!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Traditions

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Shop Local

1900 Gestalt, one of my new favorite places to shop in Spokane. Located at 114 West Pacific. Passing this on. Great affordable unique ornaments. I loaded up the other day to start the kids collections this Christmas. Now I'll have to go back and pick up one more at 25% off. This is a great home decor shop, and downstairs is Buttercuppity, Spokane's best kept secret for great fabrics by Amy Butler and gang at incredible prices. More about Buttercuppity after I dig out from under Christmas...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thank you KnotOriginal
I don't post it here everytime I am on Etsy's landing page. It is a pretty big deal though, and something we all strive for. My pattern made it there last night for about 3 minutes and 3 people bought it. As soon as it was purchased, it got replaced by an alternate. I wish I had upped the quantity of patterns in that listing. I wonder how many I could have sold if it had stayed up there for the full hour?
If you are still Christmas shopping, check out KnotOriginal, Sharon is in Gig Harbor and she is a talented and creative knitter, as well as an excellent treasury maker.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Art Opening
Here is the link to the details.
Photo and Story
Monday, November 23, 2009
New batch of luggage tags
I also pulled up the Easy frame bag pattern to make one of those, and it came to

Friday, November 20, 2009
Fingerprint Friday
The Sphinx Moth is amazing. I watched a huge green worm, about the size of my finger, bury itself in the dirt. Over the course of a few days, it became mummified, glowing like lava inside a glossy, dark shell. It emerged a strange new creature, completely changed. I believe that, like that worm, we have no idea what we could be if we buried ourselves and let God do His work.
For more perspectives on the fingerprints of God, or to join in the group, visit PamperingBeki and check out the links.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Food Bank Challenge

Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009
The Book is Here!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Engage in Creativity

I am not in that gift guide, but the wood grain table runner made it into this voter. If you like it, you can cast a vote for it by logging into your Etsy account, clicking the button below the picture, and clicking on the vote now button at the bottom. Placing high in the vote would get the runner into the members choice gift guide. That's a good one to watch too.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Community Engaging
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Engaging descriptions
My fifteen year old and I stumbled upon ememem as we were using Etsy's Shop Local tool to shop Ireland - local in our hearts. She caught me with a photo of a cute kitten, and she sunk the hook deeper with each and every story she tells. This young woman has kissed the Blarney Stone. I love it.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Word of the Week Engaging

The email is packed full of action points - five different links to engage with their new site. All great reasons and incentives to do so. First, a general site link- okay, I'm curious. Then, an "activate your account" link- tempting, I probably will. It is my account after all. Third time's a charm, they clinched it for me with the "tiered pricing" link - I am definitely clicking on this one. "Shop by color" was the next link - oh, goody! A "share your handmade creations" link - Does it get any better than this? It's Friday night. I take this email of of my "to-do on Monday" list. I can't wait to click, I have to do it now! Lindsay and Charlie know their customers and created a shop that fully engages us. I shared some photos on their site, ordered 6 yards of fabric at great prices, and had a lot of fun exploring. I think you will love the shop too. Hawthorne Threads. Thank you Lindsay and Charlie - for the lesson and thanks for a great new shopping place.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Right now at work
Friday, October 23, 2009
Get Featured Hint, Hint

Thursday, October 22, 2009
What is in your window?

As I drove by a downtown boutique this morning, something frilly caught my eye. I drive by there every morning, and I always look. Sometimes I wonder why they chose that black dress. Sometimes I am disappointed that they haven't changed their display. This morning, when I found it attractive, it hit me. The featured items in my shop need to be changed daily! Maybe the black dress is their best seller, but having it in the window every morning doesn't draw me in. How many people have not come in to my online shop because I didn't catch them at the window? How many people have wondered why I haven't changed my window? I love it when I find something simple I can do to move forward and make my shop better. Don't you?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Shop Local
Monday, October 19, 2009
Swiss Army School of Design
Friday, October 16, 2009
Table Runner
Monday, October 12, 2009
Photo Styling 101

Oh, and there is still time to comment on my previous post. I think I will be giving a few prizes for the great comments there, so don't worry if you think your comment can't top something that someone else has already posted. You might pick up a great idea by reading them. I genuinely want to know what you are making for gifts this year.
Monday, October 5, 2009
New Pattern and a Surprise Gift

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Save Money with Weekend Deals
Every single weekend discounts abound on Etsy. I found myself buying a little Christmas present for my mom last weekend because the deal was just too good to pass up. If you are committed to saving money on Christmas presents this year, and maintaining your reputation for thoughtful and unique gifts, following the weekend deals could be a good shopping strategy. If you are really ambitious, shop this forum thread where sellers have posted their deals. If you like to window shop, check out the gift guide of deals. If you have had your eye on something of mine, everything is 15% off this weekend. For all of these deals, you have to enter "weekend deals" in your message to seller at checkout, then we refund your percentage off via paypal.
Feel free to use the comments to post a link if your shop is having a sale too.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Eye Candy and Earthiness
I fell in love with the Etsy Rustic Gift Guide and have been dreaming of the irresitible things I am going to make out of burlap ever since. Meanwhile, I am making a lot of bridal and formal clutches, and the duffle pattern is almost ready. Speaking of earthy, rugged, rustic (wasn't I?) check out the vintage French military bag I found - see my shop- first item. And as we say at our house: Je t'aime...Ferme ta bouche.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Winners are...

I appreciate all of your input. I am working on the duffle pattern now.
I have an interesting sketch done of the vendor apron, but that will take a while to get from sketch to prototype, to finished product, to pattern. I think you will like it once it happens though.
For my friend Ginny, I do have some gifts for boys in mind and your artists bag will be a great one, eventually.
All of my pillows are currently in process for patterns, including the ones you mentioned.
The sling style backpack is in process as well.
You all have wonderful ideas that have got me thinking... and making new things. Thank you!
Any of you who entered but did not win are welcome to click on my PDF pattern section and buy one pattern and receive a second one (equal or lesser value) free as a thank you for entering. Just tell me in the notes to seller what your choice is for the free PDF.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Time to vote me onto Martha for reals

Etsy announced in the Storque that it is time for people to go and vote for their favorite entries in the Martha Stewart Weddings craft contest. As far as I can tell, it is a rating system, so you can vote for more than one person, just rate the items up to 5 stars. I was thrilled to discover today that the bride who ordered the peacock clutches that I entered commented on my entry! If you go there to rate my entry, you can read her comment. You will have to sign up for the site in order to rate the entries, but I found that very easy to do, and you can opt out of the mailings, etc. so there will be no repercussions. Here is the direct link to my entry on the Martha Stewart Weddings site.
After School Snack

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Terms of Engagement, Rules of Endearment

A question I dwell on: Can I engage my audience in a meaningful way? Since the rise of social media, business has become all about the conversations we have with one another. In the last several days, I have come across three very effective examples of successful engagement. Read it and reap.

tote by HautTotes
Some of us would have settled for the resulting followers from such a stunt, but Mellissa had higher expectations and greater results.

Piddix is one of the top shops on Etsy.
If you sell high-end items, you may need to get creative in what you choose to giveaway.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
reaching inside
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Win a Free PDF Sewing Pattern

This giveaway it open to anyone in the world with an email address. Three winners will be chosen by random from entries. Here is what you have to do. Visit my shop and browse by category, then come back here and leave a comment to tell me what you would like to see me make into a PDF pattern. It does not have to be something I already sell in my shop. It could be something you've always wanted to make and you want to have access to an affordable pattern for it. When you leave your comment, let me know which pattern you want for a prize. It can be anything from this section of my shop. Also leave me your email address, so I know where to send the prize! The winners will be announced here on September 16th. Get an extra entry by sharing this giveaway on Twitter or by sharing it with a sewing group in person or online. Just leave a second comment telling me where and how you shared it. Now, for all of the entrants who do not win a free pattern, I will send you 2 patterns for the price of 1, anytime from now through the 22nd. Just mention blog in your notes to seller and tell me what you want for your free PDF on the buy one get one offer. Thanks for all of your great feedback so far.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
This is why I am on Facebook
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Story of My Life
Friday, August 28, 2009
Jewelry Design Contest

A contest for jewelry designers. From the looks of it, also a contest for jewelry designer wanna be's. This cut and paste contest has some cool prizes. Check out this video of jewelry designer, Kendra Scott talking about the contest and how to enter.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Crafting with Randi

Thursday, August 20, 2009
More Treasury Tips

Sharon is one of the most popular front page treasury curators on Etsy, click here for the proof. I asked her to share tips, and got this completely humble response. It's so wonderful, I just decided to get out of the way and print it here for you to read...along with a couple of shots from her shop, KnotOriginal.

Hi Cherie,
For the most part I think it's just luck. I always start with 4 sellers that have featured me in treasuries, on their blogs, or who have helped me in the forums. After finding a commonality among their items I choose 4 of my etsy friends to feature. By this point I can see a theme emerging and do a tag search for for the last 4 spots. I only feature items that I truly like and would buy if I had disposable income and when I do tag searches I'm very specific in order to narrow my search. For example, if the 1st 8 items were cream and dark brown, I would search "ivory and espresso" or some equally obscure combination. I don't think there are any all-purpose tips other than to just create treasuries that you really like, I've found that the less I pay attention to what others suggest(even admin), the more success I have.
p.s. It doesn't hurt that I think whoever chooses the 4am fp slot has a crush on me!!!
take care,
Thank you, Sharon!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Helping the undiscovered
So all of this sort of adds up to a formula for creating successful treasuries:
1)Find some popular curators by going to the craftcult vault and taking note of FP list curators. Include a few of those people in your treasury.
2) Try to find some new shops to include as well by checking out Etsy's pounce feature, or just searching for items you are looking for and clicking on outstanding photos with sellers you have never heard of.
3) Use Etsy's merchandising guide to help you with the theme. This treasury was named September Honeymoon. Use a theme and name that might catch Admin's attention by going with their trends.
Do click on the treasury and through to the items to find out which shops are new. You may be surprised.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Pillow Fight
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Slipcovered Office Chair
Monday, August 10, 2009
Handmade leaf
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Closer look
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
sparrow on shoulder
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Video Tutorial
My first how to video. Making your own reusable vinyl packaging for a set of A2 size greeting cards. This is a really simple project, and I hope that comes through in the video. I guess I am not a natural because it took 4 takes to get this. I would love to read your comments. I do plan on doing more of these, and I promise they will get better. I have 2 words for myself next time: tripod and hair stylist.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Customers Have Great Ideas
Friday, July 10, 2009
12 seconds...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Vanessa's Wedding

Monday, July 6, 2009
WhimSylove - I love
Even more than her shop which I really do love, I love the blog. Beware! It is chock full of fun tutorials for great projects to do with your kids. Her latest entry shows how she did a themed birthday party to the max. I find it inspirational and humbling. (Nikki makes me look like a lazy blogger.) Here is the team blog post I did on her this morning, in which Nikki also gives some great advice and is so sweetly relate-able. I would love it if you let me know if you discovered WhimSYlove here, and how you feel about Nikki's blog.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
SEO made simple

Glue random items here (things you find on the street, ...) - (pages 110-111) - Result
Originally uploaded by atibens
While the photographer and creator of this wonderful collage made a great thing out of garbage, I think many of us are making garbage out of a great thing with our Search Engine Optimization (SEO.)
It has been a hot topic on Etsy lately, so I wanted to post something simple and helpful for you. The best comprehensive resource I have found is Dan Theis' free E-book. I got it and signed up for his newsletter. Honestly, I don't have too much time to spend on it. What I have done so far is to search a few of my main keywords using the link he suggests, Seeing the results, I changed my shop title and announcement a little to try some more effective keywords in there than what I was using.
In Etsy's blog, The Storque, you will find an article on SEO, but as of this morning, it is out of date. Hopefully they will be giving us an update pronto. We can learn from experts about optimizing our shops, but Etsy will have to be working with us for any of our efforts to be effective. Dan's info will be of higher use to you on your blogs and stand alone websites.
After Etsy does the SEO expert work they say is in process, then I am hoping we will be able to optimize our own Etsy shops.
Another great site I found where you can analyze your current SEO is at
Hope this helps a little.